The preschool is open Tuesday - Friday for 38 weeks a year and closely follows the Surrey school term dates. We are closed for all bank holidays and some polling days.

We are an extended day preschool that mainly offers care to children attending 'full days' with us, however we do have a limited number of morning only spaces available, which may be ideal for younger children. We ask that 2 year olds attend a minimum of morning sessions, and that children in their last year before school attend a minimum of two full days. 

As we are a small preschool with limited spaces we can only offer a maximum of 3 full days per week per child.

Full Days (9.00am until 3.30pm or 4.00pm)

For children staying with us all day we ensure that their needs are met through providing a wide range of activities and resources throughout the day, opportunities for outdoor play in the fields, woodlands and playgrounds, quiet cosy areas for children to rest, separate sleeping areas for children who require a nap, and that their Key Person will be with them all day for reassurance and any emotional support that they may need. We provide a healthy lunch for a small cost or if your child's session is fully funded parents can provide their own. Children can either be collected at 3.30pm or stay for our later collection at 4.00pm. In the last half an hour of the day (3.30pm - 4.00pm) children will have some chilled out time with stories and quiet play and a chance to have an afternoon snack before they go home.

Morning sessions (9.00am - 12.30pm or 1.30pm)

These shorter sessions allow children to begin to socialise in groups, and to join in with our morning activities that are on offer and enjoy our enclosed outdoor area. Children age 2 have the option of going home before lunch at 12.30pm or staying for lunch until 1.30pm. Once children turn 3 we ask that children do the longer morning session and stay until 1.30pm.

If staying until 1.30pm we provide a healthy lunch. Food (lunch and snacks) cost £2.50 per day. 

We offer the following attendance options each day (Tuesday- Friday):

  • 9.00am - 12.30pm
  • 9.00am - 1.30pm
  • 9.00am - 3.30pm
  • 9.00am - 4.00pm

Early drop offs from 8.45am are available (subject to availability) for our full day children, these are on a first come, first served basis. We charge £2.50 per 15 minute block before your child's session starts, or please speak to us if you would like to include this as part of your funded hours. 

Our usual daily routine

9.00am - Children arrive, chat with parents and children settle in for the day. Tigers get dropped off                               at the front entrance, Leopards at the cabin entrance. 

9.15am - 11.45am - Free play, including access to the outdoor area. 

10.00am - 11.00am - Snack bar is open, children can come and help themselves when they are ready so                                          that play is not interrupted 

11.45am - 12.00pm - We play our 'finish your games' transition song, followed by a whole group tidy up of                                        the indoor and outdoor areas. 

12.00pm - 12.30pm - We split into groups for our small group focus work

12.30pm - Collection time for our children attending a 3 hour morning session

12.30pm - 12.40pm - Toileting and hand washing ready for lunch

12.40pm - 1.30pm - Lunchtime

1.30pm - Collection time for our children attending a 4 hour morning session

1.30pm - 2.00pm - Chill out time after lunch / sleep time for children who have naps 

2.00pm - 3.15pm - Afternoon free play session

3.15pm - 3.30pm We play our 'finish your games' transition song, followed by a whole group tidy up of the                                 indoor and outdoor areas. 

3.30pm - Collection time for our children booked in until 3.30pm

3.30pm - 4.00pm - Chill out time and afternoon snack

4.00pm- Collection time for our children booked in until 4.00pm